Criminal disputes susceptible to mediation




Justice, Restorative, Mediation, Criminal, Mapping, Types, Offences.


The intended legislative impulse of the mediation procedure has not taken place in the framework of criminal conflicts in Spain. There are few examples at the executive level of public implementation of restorative justice services. A scarce and scattered regulation that may end up affecting issues of great importance, such as, for example, the pacification of the criminal conflict.


To this end, it is proposed a study, by means of a mapping system, that transfers the conceptual and procedural structures of mediation to the different types of criminal offenses. However, the use of the medial method is gradual under Spanish law, as it is proscribed depending on the case. The medial method should be assessed from a casuistic perspective and taking as a reference a comprehensive, dynamic and summary design.


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How to Cite

NAVARRETE CORRAL, E. (2022). Criminal disputes susceptible to mediation. Acta Judicial Journal, (9), 119–134. Retrieved from




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